Starseed Mala

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As you know, planet Earth is in the middle of a beautiful and challenging process. Many of us are working for this change to be enacted. But, if a group of beings is key to this movement, those are the Starseeds.

Starseeds are heroic souls coming to this planet to act as messengers and ambassadors of the message of unconditional love coming from the Creator. They will lead the way. They are the shooting star to be chased!

If you are a Starseed, it is possible that, while growing up, you were all alone, feeling very different from those who surrounded you, like an "alien." There's a good reason for this feeling: you are an ancient soul from the stars!

Also, you may have felt disoriented during these last three or four years of intense change on Planet Earth. And you're now starting to see things clearly as you walk the path of ascension.

It's so reassuring to know that Starseeds are now awakening around the globe, remembering their divine inheritance and mission!

For this reason, the Starseed Mala is designed to support and empower those on highly transformational change, ready to step into a reality charged with love and purity.

As you probably already know, the more in alignment you are and the higher you vibrate, it is then that the more low-vibrational energies want to sabotage your journey. Therefore, this Mala is also designed to provide some powerful protection from anything damaging that may come your way.

This is a lovely, gentle Mala which is very energetic at the same time because it heightens vibrations. It is great for compassionate and empathetic souls, such as Starseeds, because it will teach them that receiving love is a part of life and that they can be gentle and kind to themselves while healing deep wounds.

An excellent gift for people who need to see all the abundance and love in their lives. It will also help them heal damaged relationships from the point of view of unconditional love. Understanding that, in any relationship, receiving is as important as giving.

The unique combination of semi-precious stones: Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, and Kunzite, will be the perfect tool to start fixing trust issues and encourage healthy boundary-setting.

It is specifically indicated as support for people who are growing up, but also for people who are going through a deep transitional period because it aids with trauma and Inner Child Healing.

Pink Tourmaline, the different shades of this lavender beauty, represent love for humanity and humanitarian work and infuse the crown chakra with love and spirituality when worn as jewelry.

Pink Tourmaline is perfect for counselors and healers because it promotes better listening and understanding and encourages compassion and gentleness during periods of growth and change as humanity works toward enlightenment.

It raises unconditional love energy and leads to deeper emotional healing by releasing guilt, worry, depression, and anxieties and guides those emotions into self-love

Pink Tourmaline is one of the most loving stones for children and highly recommended for spiritually sensitive Indigo children for its calming, centering qualities and assistance in considering consequences before taking action.

The well-known "Stone of Love," deals with the side of love that has to do with receiving. It can heal the wearer's relationship with receiving love, not as a reward, but as part of the world's natural balance. When we give love, we must accept what we have given eventually. Some people tend to feel unworthy of the love they receive or think they must earn every good thing that comes their way.

This is especially the case with Starseeds, who have very giving souls and may struggle with receiving. Pink Tourmaline is a delicate crystal that reminds the wearer of their inner worth and teaches them to accept the love they must receive as part of a balance in the Universe.

Rose Quartz, on the other hand, heals the relationship with giving. It teaches unconditional love that must start with the self.  Love is the highest vibration. It is a powerful crystal for anyone seeking to bring more love into their life.

The Rose Quartz crystal properties connect to the heart chakra, the center of love. By opening and healing your heart center, its healing properties guide you to deepen relationships and embrace kindness, compassion, tenderness, and love toward yourself and those around you. Its vibration is nurturing, gentle, comforting, and reassuring.

It provides more harmonious relationships and smoother interactions. It is strongly advised to wear it when diplomacy is needed. 

It offers a lot of support and loving, comforting energy for people who are going through a hard time or who are healing trauma. It can provide protection as being in the same vibration as Divine Love and it neutralizes harmful electromagnetic frequencies from domestic appliances, phones, and computers

The third sacred stone is Kunzite, another lavender beauty. This one opens and connects the heart to the mind and stimulates a healing communion between the two which prompts you to think loving thoughts and do loving actions. 

Your love for humanity, nature, animals, and Earth will soon overflow your heart, accessing the frequency of divine love. 

Wearing this gem as jewelry encourages you to release walls built around the heart for protection and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love. 

It allows for free expression of feelings, healing the mind and heart, and being receptive to the gifts and opportunities life has to offer by inspiring you to be present in the perfection of the moment. By bringing your focus to what you need to do so that you can achieve anything that you want to, Kunzite stimulates your self-expression and creativity and motivates you to live a healthier lifestyle.

Kunzite is also used to heal Inner Child wounds, and it is highly supportive to young mothers who are having a tough time taking care of their young children.

As a person heals their relationship to love with trust, they also heal their relationship with money. Money has the same vibration as trust. The more you trust yourself and others, the more money will start flowing into your life seamlessly and effortlessly. Kunzite plays a key role when building an abundance mentality and attracting great opportunities.

The sterling silver elements make these three crystals come together in quite an organized manner, with a different crystal coming to the forefront depending on the circumstances. The main symbols of this Mala are the sterling Silver Angel Wings, Star, and Heart. Every time you look at them, remember: you come from the stars, even from farther than you can imagine, and you are an angelic being made of love. That's why you came here to this planet, to bring the clarity and light of those Stars to Earth. Also, its silver coin will always remind you of a Universal truth: "What you seek is seeking you." 

Those healing from trauma can significantly benefit from this combination, as it offers a very loving, sweet energy that can provide you with some critical support during that time. It will help you see all the love from the people who surround you and help you accept help. It will also help you see your value and role when it comes to offering love and support to yourself.

Healing trauma can be one of the most challenging acts of love you ever do for yourself. This Mala will strengthen your Heart Chakra so you can do this for yourself as an act of unconditional love, no matter how much it hurts.

It's an excellent gift for those you love who are growing up or going through puberty. These times can be tricky, and you need a strong sense of self and lots of self-love to go through it.

I originally channeled this Mala for the daughter of a very close friend. The young Starseed had trouble navigating through puberty and finding her path. I made two and gave the other to her mother. The magic that was about to unfold in that home is creating goosebumps all over my body as I am writing this.

After many years of struggle and trying to transmute trauma, both healed their emotional traumas and started a new life of abundance. The mother turned her artistic passion into a successful side business and switched from nurse to energy healer with a booming practice (You actually have to be on her waiting list for weeks to get an appointment), and her daughter bloomed into the most beautiful young Starseed lady who is anchoring divine love to earth through working and guiding other Starseeds and animals.

Mother and daughter had difficulties getting along with one another, but the moment these healing stones entered their home, the tensions started to transmute and transform into a powerful, deep, loving bond beyond human conception.

This Mala is meant to find only those who are ready for the embodiment of Divine Truth and their ultimate life's purpose. Wear it on your wrist or around your neck and journey into the stars and beyond! 

The sacred combination was given to me by the Lyran Elders to help Starseeds. It'll help them build their self-esteem and go through deep healing while growing, expanding, and trying to find their place in this world.

Most importantly, for a Starseed, this Mala is more than a gift. It is the best aid on your mission, assisting others in awakening their inner light, their most loving truth. You carry great energy beyond compare and can use it to help and guide others who may have forgotten who they truly are.

The time has come to share your message with the world: "We are all made of love, light, and truth."




We used only the finest and most genuine quality of semi-precious grade AAA gemstones in combination with sterling silver elements in our Starseed Mala. 108 beads (8mm) are beaded on elastic stretch cord to be worn as a Mala, double folded necklace, or as a gorgeously stacked bracelet.

The Starseed Mala features a beautiful and unique combination of pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and fine sterling silver elements, finished with a silver coin exclusively designed for our Mala collection. The sterling silver coin has a diameter of 2.5cm/1" and is hand-engraved with a powerful quote by Rumi "What you seek is seeking you". The gemstone combinations and names were "given" to Aurora by the high council of Lyran elders to support those who are on the ascension journey to 5D.

The jewelry comes in an elegant gift box.

Hand-made with love in Germany

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